I know getting a meal on the table is challenging enough, let alone getting it on the table quickly. However, with the tips and techniques included here I know you can get a healthy meal your family will love on the table in no time at all.
Literally write down what you are going to have on each day for the next week. That way you can write out a grocery list and shop for it all at once. You’ll be surprised how much stress this will remove from your week. And you don't have to do it alone. At your next meal ask your family what they would like.
Reuse Good Plans
Save your weekly menu plans and reuse them later on. Be sure and write down what worked well and what needed some tweaking.
Double Up
Recipes that can be frozen should be doubled. Half of it can then be frozen for quick meals later on. Yes, it may take you a little extra time now but in the long run wouldn’t it be great to know you have dinner already done and waiting in the freezer?
Grab the Bargains
Scanning grocery store ads can help you in multiple ways. First you can see what items are on sale so you can plan menus around the cheapest things. You’ll be surprised how often expensive cuts of meat go on sale. Also plan to pick up bargain items you use a lot. You may not need 10 cans of chickpeas right now, but if it’s a good price get them to help build your pantry stock.
Shop Your Pantry First
After you write out your grocery list, the first place you should shop is your pantry. If you’ve shopped the bargains ahead of time (see above) you just may already have a good portion of your list taken care of.
Chop Once
If you know you need chopped onions in three recipes for the week go ahead and chop them all at the same time and store in the refrigerator. Better yet, if you have some time after shopping, go ahead and prepare all your meats and vegetables for the week so all you have to do when you get home is grab them from the fridge and cook.
Shop the Salad Bar
If you only need a small amount of something, sometimes it makes more sense to pick it up already chopped from the salad bar.
Start Slow
If you don’t know how to cook don’t pick a complicated recipe. We know it sounds silly but many people get caught up in cooking and go for impressive looking dishes. Start with some basic recipes and when you get comfortable then start expanding to more complicated recipes.
Don’t Do It Alone
Who says you have to tackle cooking all by yourself. Have your children help with tasks suited to their age. Also, shop and cook with you’re neighbor or friends. Not only will time go by quicker but you may get some great cooking tips and recipes out of it too.
Some great tips. THanks!
Posted by: Carol | 04/01/2012 at 12:57 PM